Monday, February 13, 2012


This measures the general level of anxiety. Use the following scale to score items.
0 = I never or rarely experience this.
1 = I sometimes experience this but it does not bother me.
2 = I often experience this, and it bothers me a little.
3 = I often experience this, and it bothers me.
4 = Most of the time I experience this.
1. I have dizzy spells. _____
2. My stomach gets tied up in knots. _____
3. I feel nauseous. _____
4. At times I can’t breathe normally or must go to
the window to get air. _____
5. I am afraid of heights or closed spaces. _____
6. I can not stay alone for long. _____
7. I can not go far away from home. _____
8. I have difficulty going to sleep. _____
9. I wake up early and can not go back to sleep. _____
10. I fidget and am restless. _____
11. I don’t feel confident and am afraid of the future. _____
12. I am afraid of dying. _____
13. My thoughts run wild and can not be contained. _____
14. I experience spells of panic or terror. _____
15. I avoid large crowds or public places. _____
16. I seem to be having a “heart attack” at times. _____
17. My insides feel shaky or nervous. _____
18. I use tranquilizers or antidepressants. _____
19. I have strange sensations in my body or skin. _____
20. I have difficulty relaxing or doing nothing. _____

Read each question and give yourself a score from the scale at the top. After you finish the questionaire then total up your score and record it at the bottom.
The top score can be 80 and the lowest is 0. No one should score zero on this
Test. Only the dead are free of anxiety! The meaning of your score is here;
0 - 15 A very low anxiety score.
16 - 25 Your anxiety score is mildly elevated.
26 - 60 Your anxiety score is moderately elevated
61 - 80 Your anxiety score is severely elevated
From OVERCOMING ANXIETY , Word Publishing, Dallas, 1989. By Archibald Hart,Ph.D.

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