Thursday, August 6, 2015

Jeff Bezos - The New Indie Author looking for readers just like any ordinary indie author

Whatever he is up to, we all know it is going to affect the way books are written or read!

In an experiment dubbed “The ordinary indie”, Jeff Bezos the Amazon guru has published a book as a completely new Indie Author, perhaps to see the world through their eyes.

Many indie authors cannot afford to pay for a professional editor, advertising and marketing to get their books far and wide in a short space of time...  

...And this is what the multi-billionaire has done: instead of taking advantage of his billions and of course his platform as the founder of Kindle Direct Publishing, CEO Jeff Bezos has written and published two books in a series that give a limelight to readers of books. He basically showcases reader reviews on random bestselling books on amazon.

And what does this have to do with authors, bloggers and business owners? Everything!

The books are really "no big deal'' type of books in every way. The book covers are self-made, there are no pre-release reviews, there are no big names endorsing the books. Literary, the books look nothing more than what a stay-at-home mom or dad, or a less than $25 000.00 per year person can produce, with minimal help. 

What is he up to? Nobody really knows, except that he is cooking something and it will probably change the Kindle Direct Publishing world for the good or worse for some indie authors who have been complaining about the publishing wing being too harsh in dealing with them.

As of this day (August 6, 2015), the CEO has published two books in the series:

A few “clever” authors, bloggers and business owners are taking advantage of this venture and have started changing the pen names they use as reviewers on amazon to their author name(s), book titles, blog titles and business names, in an attempt that should their review be picked for publication, their business is automatically marketed for free!

When a review is picked, it features the reviewers name as seen on the amazon product reviews. Readers who purchase the book on amazon and a few other retailers will obviously have that information at hand. 

The biggest surprise has been that the books are also available at some of the retailers competitors; Barns and Nobel, ibooks, Kobo and a few others. They are not in Kindle Unlimited!

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