Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Finally a Breakthrough Female Fat Loss Discovery That Actually Works!

                Before & After
Science has now revealed that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone.

This hormone that controls 100% of your body’s ability to burn fat is Leptin.
You may not know how Leptin works, so let me quickly explain:

High levels of Leptin speed up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat and low levels of Leptin slow down your metabolism and signal your body to store fat. Those are the basics; now get ready for some surprising facts regarding Women and Leptin.

Researchers recently exposed that women naturally have twice as much of the fat burning hormone Leptin in their body compared to men.

That’s the good news!
However, brand new research revealed the following bad news that explains why women can struggle so much to lose unattractive body fat and keep it off:

1. Women can be 3 times less responsive to Leptin’s signal to burn fat than men. This means even though women have a lot more Leptin they just aren’t using its fat burning potential. This condition is known as “Leptin Resistance”. An obvious sign of Leptin resistance is the soft, squishy, cottage-cheese looking fat found in your problem areas. However, Leptin Resistance is just 1 of 2 unique problems that kills female fat loss.

2. The second unique problem women face with Leptin is that when dieting, your Leptin levels can drop twice as much and twice as fast compared to when men diet. As talked about, when Leptin drops your metabolism hits the brakes and slows right down. This is exactly why you experience frustrating weight loss plateaus on diets so much faster than men.

And have you ever suffered from that terrible rebound weight gain after you stop a diet?

Well that’s because your Leptin dropped significantly making your metabolism even slower than before you started the diet, resulting in fat piling back on even when you’re eating next to nothing. Click here to see more..


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