Monday, January 30, 2012

Children of Alcoholics



From: Adult Children of Alcoholics by Janet Woititz

1. The children are confused as to what is "normal" or healthy.

2. They have difficulty completing projects or tasks.

3. They lie compulsively, even when there is no need to.

4. They are overly critical of themselves.

5. They take themselves too seriously and have difficulty having fun.

6. As adults they have difficulty with intimate relationships.

7. There is great need for control of one's life, an excessive anger when this can not be achieved.

8. There is a life-long need for approval and affirmation.

9. There is a feeling of being different from other people.

10. They are either overly responsible or overly irresponsible.

11. There is extreme loyalty to the abuser even though it is unwarranted.

12. There is frequent impulsive behavior which only aggravates the problems.

These characteristic behavior traits and attitudes begin in childhood and continue into adult life. (ABMI Notes)

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